Monday, January 4, 2016

Permulaan untuk 2016

Sebelum ni memang selalu amik cuti masa 1st day anak-anak masuk sekolah. Patutnya tahun ni rutin sekolah takda apa yang berubah dari tahun lepas so takda apa sangat nak buat. Standby jek kot-kot van sekolah lupa nak amik budak-budak. Apart from running errands, I decided we should lepak somewhere and communicate plans for 2016.

I'm blogging from Zawara Coffee, Bangi Sentral. Been here since 12.00 noon tadi. Mai dengan hubby, discuss plans, expectation, preparation for 2016. Ye la, Jasmin kan UPSR. Pastu bibik dah nak balik kampung. Pastu cita-cita nak travel banyak tempat...

I ordered roti kaya RM4.50

Hubby ordered Big Breakfast RM12

Alhamdulillah, I think we had a fruitful time, takde la makan jek menggemukkan diri. At least certain things are sorted out and we have the same expectations for 2016, in sha Allah.

My kids were very positive this morning. No one made any drama, all were ready if not eager to go back to school. Alhamdulillah.....

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