Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Weight Management: establishing 2016 goals

Kepala ni dok fikir ways to improve my weight management. Tengah fikir macam mana nak maintain ideal weight dengan current habit. Kena terima yang kalau current habit tidak membantu weight maintenance jangka panjang, kena ubah habit tu.

Have been doing some reading on the internet. Most of them are weight loss journey of others to get inspirations and motivation to improve myself. One thing I find useful is to have different targets for different months. Some possible targets:

  • Identify how did I get fat (specific description)
  • 'Invest' in gym classes and equipment
  • Masak sendiri untuk lunch

Last 3 months, dah start pergi aerobics classes. At least once a week. Tapi kg memang tak berganjak dari 70++. Maybe sebab banyak cuti, so makan pun tak berapa jaga. Ni nak amik kesempatan semangat tahun baru untuk beli Piloxing gloves dan register with Lily Fitness. Nak buat dua-dua sekali dalam sebulan ke register later in February? Pastu worth tak nak spend duit kat sini ni? Kalau 'hangat-hangat taik ayam' camne? Banyak betul pikirnya. Ni yang kekadang tak jadik apa!
Image result for thinking hesitate

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