Friday, January 1, 2016

Welcome 2016!

It would be a challenging year:

  • Bibik is leaving so there'll be a change of routine and expectation
  • Jasmin will sit for UPSR (with KBAT questions)
  • Husband will be busy overseeing the ICC 2016 until May
  • I might have to start paying for housing loan of RM1,290 per month

My target this year

  1. To FINISH reading at least 1 book (to justify the purchase at Big Bad Wolf)
  2. To improve my food intake as 80% weight loss comes from healthy eating
  3. Plan for holiday after Jasmin's exam
  4. Lose weight to 60kg within a year through exercise
  5. Save more for mum's new wardrobe
  6. Give more

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