Thursday, December 26, 2019

Meniti hari-hari terakhir 2019: Looking back

As I was completing my work KPI for 2019, I glanced through what have I done in 2019. I remember wanting to beat 2016 post counts, now I'm skeptic I can achieve that.

2019 was a busy year for me. By right kerja patutnya tak busy and boleh focus at my core function tapi with new management and all, it's busier than ever been. We have to do things differently and with reduced number of staff in Finance, things were not as I hoped for. 2 colleagues resigned without replacement so ada internal restructure. I used to have a subordinate to do my operational work but starting June, I have to take them back....sigh...

Bulan Feb sampai bulan Apr ada rilek sikit sebab boss aku cuti. Rilek sebab boleh balik awal tapi nerve wrecking sebab kena ganti dia dalam meetings. Aku buat senyap je sebab tak mau salah cakap...kuang2x

My dear colleague who I remember as the 1st person to greet me on my 1st day at work also resigned because she was getting married. This is like a wish come true for her and I totally agree with her decision to quit her job and balik kampung.

For 2020, I want to do something new. I want to

  1. Revamp the reports
  2. Leverage on Linkedin trainings and be really good at financials. 
  3. I want to get into the numbers. I have to be the master of what I do...
  4. Improve my communication skills in terms of convincing people. I must not make introvert in me as an excuse not to master the art of communicating and presenting. 

Ni pun busy jugak. Tahun ni la adik nak kahwin, tahun ni la 3 orang anak aku ada exam besar (SPM, PT3 dan UPKK). Sempat jugak buat makeover untuk rumah mak di BP (bilik depan dan bilik tengah) masa awal tahun. Project complete before kenduri kahwin Radhi in Sept. Sempat jugak pegi KOREA bulan Nov. Pening kepala den nak pikir untuk 23 orang! So bila pegi tu macam dah jadi tour guide, kena pastikan sume tak sesat! Alhamdulillah, ramai yang bantu tapi aku memang tak puas hati sebab gambo aku cam tak senonoh jek. Orang lain punya cantik je. Isk...aku kena master the art of posing for the camera!

Alhamdulillah, Kasyif dapat 8A and Jasmin 8A 1B (considering format baru PT3, asyik jadi guinea pig dioghang ni...kesian). Jasmin pergi tak asrama tahun depan atau remain kat JESS? (result PT3 JESS is better than SGS. Wow!)

Husband ada ajak jugak pegi Dublin in June 2020...tapi sorang jek. Bebudak tak ikut... Wow! Nak ikut tapi kesian kat budak-budak. Then I just said to myself, 2020 would be my 20 year wedding anniversary so why not just the 2 of us...
Dalam hati, husband aku ni intentionally ke unintentionally ajak aku sorang ni? Sebab nak celebrate anniversary ke sebab takde budget, boleh bawak sorang jek? Haha! Aku dah check calendar, 2 minggu sebelum tarikh tu ialah Hari Raya. Tarikh 7 - 11 Jun pun bukan masa cuti sekolah.... camne??? Nanti la pikir, tak tahu la jadi ikut ke tidak...

In sumaary:

Jan - Aug: BP makeover
Aug: Kenduri rumah Mia
Sep: Kenduri rumah BP, Kuna kahwin, Jasmin PT3, Kasyif UPKK,
Nov: Irdina SPM
Dec: Korea

Alhamdulillah, aku dah start belajar mengaji dengan Al Baghdadi. Kelas hari Khamis 8.30 - 10.30 malam. Aku enjoy pegi kelas (bila dah masuk kelas lah, tapi kalo sebelum tu memang setan kacau jek niat murni aku ni! Ahaks!)..

Alhamdulillah, berat badan aku turun dari 72kg (hari ni baru masuk 68.5kg). Without Herbalife, without Mayfair and strict dieting. Aku follow Keto diet (low carbo consumption).Selalunya, bila hujung tahun x boleh maintain berat, mesti naik sebab alasan Raya dan cuti... Mission aku, reduce fat % with improvement in food choice, attitude towards food and consistent exercise.  Sekarang aku monitor fat % saja. Sebelum ni 41%, sekarang dah turun about 2.5% jadi 38.5%. Target 35%, for Phase 2 in 2020. Food wise, I'm hooked on avocado and cheese. Other KETO friendly include dark chocolate > 70%, eggs, greens, mayonnaise. Aku rasa tercabar sebab akak ipar aku yang dulunya bam-bam dah lagi kurus daripada aku....haha!

For 2020,

  1. Nak master posing depan camera. Outfit pun nak update sikit-sikit
  2. Nak lebih attentive dengan SARANA JEPS
  3. Monitor food intake kids. Nak improve quality of food that I feed them
  4. Start homestay EVO? Tanda soal sebab tak boleh imagine lagi camne nak buat, bergantung kepada masa senggang aku, ada ke tidak!
  5. Start yoga balik? Tanda soal sebab sama macam no. 4
  6. Start bayar bahagian faraid adik-beradik dari 2 Jan 2020 until 2 Jun 2021. Balance bayar bulan July 2021. Hopefully simpanan meningkat untuk cover payment ni
  7. Achieve 35% fat percentage

Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah!

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