Monday, October 28, 2013

2nd travel wish list_Japan

Japan has never been in my travel wish list knowing the cost would be expensive. Japan surfaced when I moaned to my husband that one of my colleagues is visiting the UK next year. I said I love to travel but I want to travel with all my children.Then my husband said to me to do a short listed destinations with estimated costs and we will decide from there. Among the places I  mentioned: Korea, UK, US, Australia, Bali. Then my husband compared Korea and Japan.

'Japan? I've always wanted to go to Japan!' I said with disbelief. Suddenly the memories and desire to experience Japan came back. It's the country I've always wanted to experience since I learnt Japanese language during secondary school!

If I had to choose between UK and Japan, I would choose Japan because I've never been there. The culture and it's advanced technology is what I want to see. The cost to go has made me forgotten about Japan but as my husband said, 'estimate and we'll go from there'.....

Suddenly, everything seems possible!

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