Monday, October 28, 2013


My husband's preference is to buy a subsale property at an "affordable" price. So last Sunday, we went to Semenyih to see the town and view a few properties on auction list. We went to Bandar Tasik Kesuma where the auctioned properties are, Taman Rinching 1,2,3,4 and Setia Ecohills.

Why Semenyih? 'Follow the infrastructure' as Ho Chin Soon said. There are good size 1 storey bungalows with ample land size which to me has a lot of potential in Bandar Tasik Kesuma. However, the surrounding is a let down which is very unfortunate. The rest of the properties were just so so.
Then I said I wanted to see the Setia Ecohills gallery. It was my first visit to SP Setia gallery and I was impressed. Very posh with live pianist, refreshment, children's corner, airy toilets and clean surau. I like!
Terrace houses were launched on 1st October and sold out (we didn't know until we came to the gallery) with starting price around 400k. My husband thinks it's reasonable considering it is a SP Setia project. Currently, they are launching semi d's starting at 1.1m....Gulp!

Semenyih is potential. My husband is also considering Enstek, Salak Tinggi and Southville. Hope he'll find his 'soulmate' soon. Aminnnn......

p/s: will take pictures after this to document our journey in property hunting.

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