Thursday, October 17, 2013

Reset Minda_Anak

Didiklah anak sebaik mungkin kerana anak itu saham akhirat.  Hargai anak kita dengan memberi didikan dan kasih sayang semoga kita memperoleh doa dari anak-anak kita yang soleh dan solehah.
Itu untungnya anak ramai....

Jangan kita mengeluh perbelanjaan yang terpaksa dikeluarkan untuk anak-anak kita. Jangan kita berkata 'bestnya dia dapat travel. Ye lah, anak dua je jadi kos dia dah jimat'. Lihatlah dari kaca mata akhirat.

Time spent in a day of 16 hrs (24hrs- 8hrs sleep at night):
Wake up and prepare for the day 5.45-7.45 = 2 hrs
At work 7.45-5.45 = 10 hrs
Drive from work  6.00-7.00 = 1hr
After work 7.00-10.00 = 3 hrs
Within that 3 hours, how long do we watch TV? How long do we interact with our kids?
Let say:
7.00 - 8.00  Ask kids how was their day which may take only 15 min. Maghrib prayer, watch Akasia
8.00 - 9.00  Ask kids whether they've done their homework while lying down, another 15 min.
                   AFC/ Diva channel.
9.00 - 10.00 Prime time for TV programs, already feeling tired and sleepy. No conversation.

That's about 45 min out of 16 hrs (5%). That's about 11,745 min equal to 196hrs per year in a year of 261 days (excluding weekend) . That's 12 days... So the whole one year, we only use 5% of our time to interact with our kids, just 2 days more than a week...
Sad isn't it?
To improve the fact, lets assume we talk to them half of the weekend (other half spent on oversleeping, running errands, chores, relaxing after tiring week). That's 16hrs x 52 weekend = 832hrs = 52 days

So if you interact more with kids on weekends (8 hrs each Sat & Sun), you spend 64 days interacting with them. About 2 months in a year (17%) while time spent at work is 63%. 6% spent on the road for work, and the rest 14% is for...well...our own leisure: TV, rest or minding our own business.

Is this enough considering they are our investment in our afterlife?

How much is enough?

Spend more time with your kids. Invest your time on them
You say you love them dearly. Prove it!

P/S: When I say 'we', it really means 'I' :-(

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