Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My 1st property purchase

Evo Soho in Bangi

Purchase price 271,700 before 10% discount. After less RM244,530

Alhamdulillah... Cita-cita nak membeli property untuk investment tercapai....Kalau compare sq ft, mmg yang ni agak mahal (RM539 per fq ft) compared to yang in law recommend kat Seksyen 16, Shah Alam (RM458 per sq ft).

Tapi nape sendiri rasa ok? Mula-mula tak kisah tapi bila buat comparison, biar betul....

Apa-apa pun beli property pun berdasarkan kepada expectation & speculation. What made me feel ok is because it's right smack bang in the middle of Bangi and within my price range compared to yang nak amik masa kat IProperty Expo last week.

Maybe tak leh expect property tu memberi immediate return. If can't be rented, at least kitoghang sefamily boleh guna swimming pool dia.

  • Fully furnished
  • With DIBS
  • Completion expected after 42 months of SNP signing

Booking made RM2,717. That's it...No turning back. Look forward and pray everything goes well...

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