Monday, August 11, 2014

Loan agreement

I accepted the loan offer by returning a signed offer on 9 April.
I took the Maybank offer @ BFR - 2.4% and the monthly payment is RM1,291.It's fixed payment for 372 months (31 years). Current BFR is 6.6%

I signed the S&P on 1st May at the developer's office.

Next step is to sign the loan agreement with the bank because the one signed on the 9th is just the offer.

Contacted the bank loan handler on 6 Aug. They still have not received a copy of the S&P to start the loan agreement.

It's been about 3 months since S&P signed.

Ya Allah! Permudahkan lah! Hanya Engkau yang mengetahui apa yang terbaik. Aminnn....

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