Thursday, August 14, 2014

School. Attendance. Attitude

Last Monday, I yelled and dragged Jasmin to the door because she didn't want to go to school. She did go because I sternly said 'I don't care whether you've finish your homework or not, you still have to go to school'....

Yesterday, she purposely didn't want to get up although I wake her up like I always do. She was not tired, she slept early, she didn't have any homework to finish. She just didn't want to wake up and go to school.

After a few attempts to make her get up (I know she was all awake ), I finally sat at the edge of the bed trying to put some sense into her. I said I didn't want to get angry like I did last week, I don't like to get angry. I said I've always ask her why but she just kept quiet for reasons why on some days she doesn't want to go to school. If she doesn't tell what's her problem, I would not know. If she thinks she can do whatever she likes, fine.... And I left.

I totally ignore her when I got home from work. I just didn't say a word.... to anyone. I was tired. I don't know what else to do. I don't know how should I handle this problem with school absence.

Jasmin is smart, manja, helpful and sometimes independent. Her bad habit is making excuses. Sometimes she does not conform to the normal routines.

Today, I asked Irdina to wake her up. I just want to see how is she gonna behave today. She didn't get up although she was awake. I just ignore her.... Let her go to school at her own will. Let her to be responsible for the consequence of her own doing.

My take for tomorrow. She will either;
  1. behave the same as today. Will not go to school
  2. wake by herself and go to school.

I will not go and wake her up. Let her to be responsible for the consequence of her own doing.

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