Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last post for 2014

Today is 31 Dec 2014. It's the last day for 2014. Many things happened in 2014. As a nation, tragedies and mishaps took place one after another:

  • Mystery of untraced MH370
  • MH17 was shot down
  • Plane crash of QZ8501
  • Drought in Selangor
  • Worst flood in Kelantan/Terengganu 

Ya Allah! Lindungi lah kami dari malapetaka dan bahaya. Berilah kami kekuatan untuk tetap di jalanMu  Ya Allah! Hanya Engkau yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas sesuatu.

It's also Jasmin's 10th birthday. I will get a cake for here after work. As for myself, 2014 is a year of learning and self discovery. I am determined year 2015 will be more about my kids, not work which I've been spending my time for this year.

  1. Figure out how to incorporate volunteer work/ community service in the family activities
  2. Teach Irdina and Jasmin lessons about life, by giving house chores! Haha!
  3. Find suitable physical activities for Kasyif
  4. Find a suitable playgroup for Lutfi

I'm not feeling well right now. What a way to end 2014....

Some random pics I wish to put on the blog....
Attended K Nor daughter's wedding

Cheeky Lutfi modelling

Faiz's wedding early of the year in Batu Pahat

LC Ihtifal. Kasyif was praised for his zapin dance

Lutfi acting as a Transformer

Among the 8 best students for UPKK

Jasmin, No. 13 in whole of Standard 4 @ SK Jalan 4

First time for kids: Watch a movie @ cinema

Lutfi and his favourite, anything related to fire. Fireman, fire engine, fire itself.....

Souvenirs from Bali

A specific post on souvenirs I bought from Bali....
Made from clay and glass.

The colours are yummy!

Receipts for the lot

Seriously I think this was a bargain. The trinket boxes distributed to officemates

Beaded purses for mum & mum in law

Local crafts from coconut trees

Spa products to try....

The most expensive coffee in the world. RM115 for 100g

Bags bought @ Krishna.

Paintings. The bright coloured ones bought @ Krishna. The canvas painting still rolled up unopened

Dress for my niece. Costs about RM6-7!

Hats bought at Tanah Lot

Kacang Disco.

Bright coloured accessories for myself

Bangle bought at Krisna

What my kids bought

A bit about Luwak Coffee

Monday, December 29, 2014

Looking back 2014

This is following a post in 2013 here. So what is year 2014 to me? How do I want 2014 to be remembered?

  1. The year when I started to be conscious of what to wear (February)
  2. Managed to organize a Keluarga Tok Cai Family Day 2014 @ Limastiga in June. Well done!
  3. Signed S&P and I officially will be paying for a 270k 554 sqf property in 2016.
  4. Irdina sat for UPSR in Sept and got 5A. Well done!
  5. We went to Bali in October. It was a wish came true!
  6. We walked about 6.2km in November for Langkah Ceria, as a family.
  7. A year after I've lost 10kg. The weight seems creeping back by year end.
Busy with work
2014 was the year I was busy with work. Early 2014, I was acting for 9 months as my manager was away for a different tasks. In Quarter 3, I also covered my colleague's work as she was on maternity leave for 3 months. I worked like mad because everything was new to me. I do not wish to repeat this. I don't think my hard work is well appreciated. I personally think I'm underpaid and I've been doing other people's work for quite some time. So from on, I only want to do what is adequate and that's it. I don't want to waste my energy and time on improving work stuff because in the end, I will feel unappreciated. I will resume my routine job as expected, no more or less.

And because I was so busy, I didn't get to promote Herbalife. All the stock was for own consumption and didn't manage to sell. Feel like quitting.

2014 azam update
And what happened to my 2014 azam? Not doing too well.....

  1. Achieve body weight of less than 60kg I gained up to 5kg
  2. Memantapkan khusyuk & kekerapan berzikir dlm kereta (new), Dhuha & Tahajjud Alhamdulillah. I've started praying at the surau.
  3. Menggunakan resources yang ada di rumah untuk membangunkan jiwa anak-anak. Belum buat lagi. Shame on me
  4. Memperoleh sesuatu dari Herbalife lebih dari tahun 2013. Nothing. Thinking of quitting
  5. Revamp my wardrobe and the way I carry myself  (not as easy as I thought!) So far so good
  6. Contribute ideas to my department. Done it. That's it

Dream picnic
For 2015, we did a dream picnic like we did in 2013. Last year was at Wetland. This year was at Taman Botani. Simple picnic as the objective is to get the kids to write what they value in 2014 and what is their wishes in 2015. Unfortunately I lost the written papers thus can't reflect what we have wished for. This year I prepared a container in advance to ensure I will not lose the paper again.

All our 2015 goals are kept here

Lutfi & diahrrea

Lutfi was admitted on 25th Dec due to vomiting and diarrhea and discharged on 27th Dec. His stool was watery and vomitted everytime he ate or drink. He was dehydrated. The obvious sign was his eyes, sunk in and he face looked different. He didn't eat or drink. He was flat although at times he made his Ultraman gestures indicating he actually wanted to play. He was admitted at about 6pm at Hospital Sultanah Noor Ismail (HSNI) Batu Pahat, located just near my parent's house. I decided to ward him there instead of at any private hospital because it would be easier for my husband to go back and forth.
Privileged, sent to ward by wheel chair

The attendant that helped Lutfi

He was given drips to replenish lost liquid in his body . Lutfi is a strong boy. He didn't cry when he had to go through 1 needle for the drip procedure and 2 needles for blood tests.
Day 1. He was flat

We stayed for 2 days 2 nights.

First 24 hours
On the 1st night, he screamed saying he wanted to go home. He asked for his father because he thought his father would take him home. When his father left after visiting on the 1st night, he asked me why didn't my husband taking us home. It was heart breaking...
Ward round on 26th Dec morning. Dr said we need to stay at least 24 hours.

Apparently this is called Infusion Pump

Lutfi on morning of 27th Dec

I was happy he asked for something to eat the next day. About midday, again he screamed and said he wanted to go home. I guess he was bored being on the bed and the IVT did hurt his little hand. I entertained him by playing Ultraman against Oreo monster and he was ok and later slept. He still asked me when to go home when he woke up from his nap.But Lutfi is a clever boy. He understood and wiped his tears when I said we had to wait for dr's approval whether we could go home tomorrow. It was sad to see him sad...

Next 18 hours
I was confident that Lutfi was recovering. Actually his vomiting and diahrrea had stopped when he was admitted. I decided to still admit him because I wanted him to be given the IVT.

He asked for something to eat when he woke up from sleep at about 8am. He asked to be seated on the chair because he didn't want to be on the bed. He passed stool at about 8.30am and so I changed and bathed him.
Breakfast for the caretaker I guess, not for the child.

Lutfi still not awake, on his hospital bed.

Encouraging him to take a walk to kill his boredom

Taken during Lutfi's 'ward round'...Haha

I had to record his fluid intake and outtake (ie urine & stool)

Then it was the ward round at about 10.30am. The doctor permitted us to be discharged and I told him the good news. His response was priceless and unexpected:
He said 'Kita boleh balik? Yeah!' and held a victorious punch in the air.
Lutfi looked happy knowing he's going home

His companion

I valued the time I spent with him. He's my child and he deserves my full attention.

Oh Lutfi! You're such an strong intelligent boy! Mama loves you so much!

Medical terms learnt:
Intravenous Therapy = IVT (i.e drip)
Oral Re-hydration Salt = ORS