Monday, December 1, 2014

What a week! Alhamdulillah!

Today is a good day to start because it is 1st December! It's nearly the end of 2014....
Wow! Time really flies! Things happened last week:

Irdina & UPSR
Alhamdulillah, Irdina did well for the UPSR exam. 73 out of 300++ students at her school scored 5As and Irdina is one of them. It was definitely nerve wrecking for parents and students. I was just as nervous as them, as if I'm taking the exam too!
The nervous Year 6 students.

Parents waited patiently

Dinner treat for Kakak's success @ Mohd Chan

Thank you, Allah! And the next challenge is applying for secondary school. We applied for all types of school: MRSM, boarding schools, sekolah agama etc. Another nerve wrecking situation because we just don't know how things will end up. Will she be in boarding school? Will it be far? Or will she end up at SMK Jln 4, which is near? Or will she get into sekolah agama?

carta upsr 2014

Hubby & Auction
Actually on the same day as the official UPSR result was announced, my husband entered an auction for a semi-D lot situated in Enstek, Sepang. The auction was held in Seremban court roughly at 10am. Representative was not allowed thus he had to go himself. So he took a leave and went there with his agent. This is a first time for him, or anyone that I'm aware of entering an auction. So this was nerve wrecking too which hit me after I dealt with Irdina's UPSR result. Didn't dare to ask whether he won at noon, afraid it might be a bad news. So waited for him to tell the whole story when he was back home and Alhamdulillah! He won!

So it was 2 good news in a day. We don't get that often, do we? Both were nerve wrecking and Alhamdulillah, Allah has granted our wishes. To celebrate I asked Irdina to 'sujud syukur' and my hubby treated us dinner at Mohd Chan.

Praise to ALLAH!

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