Saturday, December 20, 2014

Chocolate calzone

I wanted to cook something for the journey to Penang. Kids do get hungry easily in the car, even adults need something to munch on. I saw creative ideas on how to use pizza dough with interesting shapes on the fb. Something simple but really update the traditional look of a pizza. Then I googled and saw this idea of using pizza dough as calzone. The usual calzone shapes like a giant curry puff with staple fillings such as cheese in it. Or it can be described as wrapped pizza i.e like a pan pizza but then you roll the dough up like a wrap. Then I saw a Youtube video on how to make chocolate calzone. Spot on!

  • Something new to try
  • Kids like chocolate
  • I can make the pizza dough in advance thus no pressure on the morning of travelling day
  • I can sharpen my skill in dough making
I used a dough recipe I've already have. It's a thin crust dough recipe and I've tried it a couple of times a few years back. One time it worked, other time not. I remember the 1st time I did it, the gooey dough came out as expected, thin and crispy. The 2nd time I did it, the dough was too gooey, I added more flour and it turned out as hard as rock!

This time believing the recipe does work (I just need to really follow the instruction), I jot down tips I picked up from watching Food Network and Youtube:

  • Mix the dough until it forms a ball and not sticking to the side of the bowl
  • A good, well kneaded dough does not spring back
  • Kneading using a stand mixer takes about 8 minutes
  • You can rest the dough in the fridge
I freaked out when my gooey dough didn't curled up like a ball. It nearly frustrated me but kept reminding myself it's a thin crust recipe. What kept me going was the thought that I really kneaded the dough using a hand mixer about 20 minutes and it didn't stick to the side of the bowl. 
Before leaving in the fridge overnight
After being in the fridge. Not much difference, is there?

The dough was still gooey when I put down (instead of rolling it out!) on the baking pan. I mixed chocolate and butterscotch chips and scattered them on the dough, roll the dough and bake in the oven for about 25 minutes until golden brown.

The outside was hard when I took it out from the oven. Sigh...

I leave it to cool and with a broken heart, took a scissor to cut it to pieces. To my amazement, the inside was soft, like a bread! I did it! I did it! Triumph!
As good as it looks!

Definitely will do this calzone thing again as it was a hit. May be will use a normal dough recipe because I really want to see my dough curled up like a ball.

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