Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last post for 2014

Today is 31 Dec 2014. It's the last day for 2014. Many things happened in 2014. As a nation, tragedies and mishaps took place one after another:

  • Mystery of untraced MH370
  • MH17 was shot down
  • Plane crash of QZ8501
  • Drought in Selangor
  • Worst flood in Kelantan/Terengganu 

Ya Allah! Lindungi lah kami dari malapetaka dan bahaya. Berilah kami kekuatan untuk tetap di jalanMu  Ya Allah! Hanya Engkau yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas sesuatu.

It's also Jasmin's 10th birthday. I will get a cake for here after work. As for myself, 2014 is a year of learning and self discovery. I am determined year 2015 will be more about my kids, not work which I've been spending my time for this year.

  1. Figure out how to incorporate volunteer work/ community service in the family activities
  2. Teach Irdina and Jasmin lessons about life, by giving house chores! Haha!
  3. Find suitable physical activities for Kasyif
  4. Find a suitable playgroup for Lutfi

I'm not feeling well right now. What a way to end 2014....

Some random pics I wish to put on the blog....
Attended K Nor daughter's wedding

Cheeky Lutfi modelling

Faiz's wedding early of the year in Batu Pahat

LC Ihtifal. Kasyif was praised for his zapin dance

Lutfi acting as a Transformer

Among the 8 best students for UPKK

Jasmin, No. 13 in whole of Standard 4 @ SK Jalan 4

First time for kids: Watch a movie @ cinema

Lutfi and his favourite, anything related to fire. Fireman, fire engine, fire itself.....

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