Monday, December 29, 2014

Year End 2014

Last week was kind of a miserable week. I wrote about 23rd Dec here and unexpected things happened after that too.

Friend & expectation
On 24th Dec, I cancelled my lunch booking @ 12.00pm at a new place owned by a friend. She whatsapp me back saying I shouldn't cancelled last minute like that. She has cooked extra for my crowd thus it would be a waste. Gee, I didn't expect that. I quickly called my colleagues whom I have promised the treat and I managed to get 6 pax.

Lesson learnt: Lower my expectation. I totally assumed her restaurant is like an established restaurant where cancellation accepted anytime. Whereas her new place totally dependent on my crowd to consume the menus. The place does not even have a credit card facility... I was quite taken aback and actually emotionally disturbed a bit from the incident because this involve a friendship. Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT has put something else for me so I can forget the incident and quickly recovered my emotion. I admit it was fully my mistake.

Lutfi & diarrhea
And the thing far more important than sulking about the above incident is my youngest had diarrhea. He was vomiting and passed watery stool 3 times on the way to Batu Pahat for Christmas long weekend. He was completely flat on 25th Dec and his eyes was sunk in, apparently symptom of dehydration. Took him to the general hospital Batu Pahat and was warded at 6pm. I pledged myself to forget about everything else and focus on making my son better at the hospital. We spent about 2 days 2 nights at the hospital and was discharged on morning of 27th Dec.

Lesson learnt: Be thankful for what you have and empathize others. Why do I say that? Because my 1st thought when I saw the pediatric ward was on sharing basis, I wanted to change and ward my child in a private hospital. With all the noise, sharing toilets and no space for mothers to rest (except a chair on the bedside), how can my child make a quick recovery? A bit diva-ish, isn't it? So what made me stay? I guessed Allah SWT wanted to show me something and asked me to practice my patience.... here. I started to look around and absorbed the environment. I asked myself, how can these people able to cope with the environment? This shows these people are strong. What have I become? With the rezeki Allah SWT gives me, do I become better or worse?

Treats for the family
I planned to treat the family for BBQ on Saturday. Since Lutfi was only discharged by Saturday lunch time on 27th Dec, instead of doing the BBQ I decided to just buy food outside and have them at home. So I bought Domino's pizza, KFC, Mee Racun, Cheese Nan Bread, Tandoori Chicken and Secret Recipe White Chocolate with Macadamia nuts cake for afternoon snack/dinner. Usually everyone would be like hungry hyenas around the table but this time, the food was as if not been touched. Apparently everyone in the house was sick and having diarrhea too!

Lesson learnt: Sometimes what you have planned for may not be successful. Maybe I was being calculative. Maybe it was long overdue. Maybe I was not considering others. I don't know... What I know is I shall be patient for things that happened as only Allah knows what's best.

I appreciate all the experiences and believe Allah SWT has laid all this down for me to reflect and learn something.

Ya Allah! Ampunkan dosaku, dosa kedua ibubapaku, suamiku dan anak-anakku Ya Allah!

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