Sunday, December 21, 2014

2nd attempt on pizza dough & measuring spoons

Happy with the outcome of my chocolate calzone, I made another attempt on making pizza dough from scratch. This time I used recipe from YouTube and I expected my dough to roll up into a ball.

And it did! Yeah!
Dough rolled up like a ball. Yess!

Dough fermented in the fridge overnight.

Filling for savoury calzone

I should have divide the dough into 2

The sweet calzone filled with choc and butterscotch chips

Ready to get into the oven

I also took the time to understand my measuring spoons which I've had them like zillion years ago but never understand how much it measures because it's not a rounded number and the ml is in long decimals. Weird back then...

Now I know they are US measuring spoons!
My measuring spoons

Labelled with easier reference.. tablespoon / teaspoon

I took the time to find out on the web and found the AskNumbers and labelled every single spoon.
Looks yummy?

I was drowned in work in 2014. 2015 may be the year where I will focus on improving my cooking skills. I am determined....

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