Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bali Diet Progress Week 3 Report #5

This is Week 3 report. I can't even remember how I was doing. I was so caught up at work and providing Irdina moral support to face the UPSR exam. No, that would be Week 4 update...

What did I do in Week 3? Nothing much I think because I had to cover my colleague's work who's currently on maternity leave. Went to mass solat hajat at SK Jalan 4 on Thursday 4th. Went to yoga once on Tuesday. Attended Kak Illa's invitation for high tea. Food intake wise, nothing exciting to report about. Still unable to resist temptation, had late lunch sometimes thinking I would lose some weight if eating out of the normal pattern (which didn't work)... that was it really.

Start/end date: 1-8 Sept
Weight = 67.3kg - 67.9kg = 0.6kg gain !!!!


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