Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Water park_Malaysia

My old draft on water parks. Published on this date

Last Friday, I took the day off to spend quality time with my hubby alone (who had a Deepavali leave that fell on Saturday). We had lunch at TGI Friday, Sunway Pyramid and off to the Water Park around 2.30pm. We were eager to have fun ourselves without the kids (that was the plan). We managed to try all the water rides (it was a working day for others thus the place was not crowded). There were 5 slides to try. I was rather nervous, remembering the frightening (to me, maybe mild to others) slide at The Carnival, Sungai Petani. Come to think of it, although I’ve been to all water parks, I‘ve only tried the water rides first time at The Carnival.

The Carnival
I thought I’m used to water rides thus confidently went for one. I remembered being very frightened and wondered why. Then I come to conclusion that although I’ve been to many water parks, I’ve actually never been on the rides due to following:
I’ve to look after my children
I didn’t have suitable clothes with me

Sunway Lagoon
After experiencing the rides, I rate the rides as mild to medium. I am not boasting but want to encourage others who has never been on rides before to try them. I’m not an adventurous type thus when I say the rides is ok, you should take my word. The rides are not really heart stopping and I specifically like the Congo Ride (you slide with your body on the ground on a slide mat). Do take note that the rating was based on me being at the back (in the 2 person buoy). The rating may be different if was at the front end.

Other water parks that I’ve been to:

Desa Water Park, Desa Petaling
Once, just to bring my inlaws for some fun in 2008.

Lost World of Tambun, Ipoh, Perak
Once when it was newly opened in 2005. Not a lot of people back then so the place was clean.

Bukit Merah Laketown Water Park, Perak
In 2007, because we had a complementary stay for 1 night from Pipi.

Water Park Batu Pahat
At my hometown. Only once, when I was heavily 9 mths pregnant (Jasmin) in 2004. Just for Irdina to have some fun

A Famosa Water Park, Melaka
I vaguely remember this one but I definitely just sit on the side possibly watching Irdina & Jasmin.

In conclusion, starting 1998 I’ve been to all the water parks (that I’ve known of) in Malaysia with my family but my 1st experience with water ride was in 2009.

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