Sunday, September 14, 2014

Irdina & UPSR 2014

On the 1st day of UPSR, I sent her to school as normal. Extra advice than usual because UPSR is an important exam to mark your hardship in primary school years.

Irdina looked calm like she has always been. I was not sure whether she knew how important UPSR is that some parents willing to sit next to exam hall to provide support for their children.

UPSR to me is like a milestone to remind me my daughter has grown to become a young lady. Once I dropped her at the gate, I could not stop my tears.

All the joy of having her since she was born came back refreshed in my mind:
How her presence was much awaited being the 1st,
Good memories of my pregnancy,
Experience of bringing her up as a toddler
All in the UK which was full of fun although it was only for 3 years

I felt so grateful...... to be blessed with such an obedient child and also very observant. Does not talk much but always smile like her father. Irdina is much like her father.

And now I have to prepare myself to be a responsible parent to her so she will grow to her full potential and ready to face the real world. A very heavy responsibility to me which I am very afraid I may not be able carry out properly. I have to grow up to help my daughter to grow.

The thoughts caused the tears which I was trying to hold, came pouring down my cheeks.

My driving to work that day was a moment I have to remember to remind myself of my responsibility.....

Good luck Irdina. I love you so much.......

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