Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My take_pre GST

Image result for gst
GST will take effect tomorrow, 1 April 2015. Everyone is talking about it, how it will burden us the consumers once it is introduced.

No point talking
Actually not sure what is my say about GST.  Of course I hate it because it will increase prices of everything although the government claims there are some stuff will not be affected and in fact will be cheaper (huh?). I don't think I can do anything to stop it. It won't be withdrawn because a lot of countries do it, unless Malaysia would like to practice Islamic tax system.

The only thing I see useful if everyone does it (and actions are taken) is to complaint to KPDNK. That way, the shop will be penalized for profiteering. Yet to see the effectiveness though....

Make complaints to KPDNK
  • Check whether shops charging GST are registered.
  • Check prices before and after implementation. If increase is more than 6%, don't buy and boycott the shop

My way to survive GST
  • Be aware of the items that are zero rated GST as well items previously charging 10% service tax. These are items which prices should remain or cheaper (don't put your hopes high). Some listed here
  • I have to look back what I can afford and amend my budget
  • Start bringing home packed lunch to office
  • Reduce dine out activities
  • Plan to refrain from buying anything for at least 6 months until the prices are stabilized

Panic buy before GST?
Well there are 4 things I bought with the thought 'buy now or pay GST':
  1. Herbalife
  2. Michelle Lazar
  3. Mayfair
  4. Gold

I've spent on these 4 items pre-GST. Other than that, I will just have to pay additional 6%!

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