Friday, December 18, 2015

Apa citer?

Ehemmmm.... Lama dah tak update pasal topic ni! Huwaah! Sebab berat badan dah naik over 70kg!
Sedih.... Memang sedih...Asalnya maintain kat 67kg. Lepas raya naik 2 kg. Tak cecah 70kg lagi. Pastu, Raya Haji pulak. Boleh agak lah kan

Then in October, berazam untuk jaga makan and exercise. Until now takleh nak turun bawah 70kg. Hari ini, pagi tadi was 70.9kg for the past 3 months. Naik 5kg dalam masa 3 bulan. Turun takleh pulak!

Bila nak sedapkan hati, anggap ini sebab faktor umur. Metabolism dropped by 2%. Sebenarnya makan tak hengat!

Masa bulan Oktober, konon target 5kg per month. By December dapatlah balik 65kg.. Hampeh.... Sekejap ok, sekejap tak ok.

I have been thinking about it. Reading stuff on weight management. Wondering why I can't maintain my previous weight in 2013. Wondering what if I stay at this weight and it gets worse.... Banyak.....

What I want to say is, I have scrapped the idea of quick fix. You know what, my idol now is Nigella. 'No one deserves to stop what she likes to eat' True! One of the factors that triggered Nigella's weight loss was she didn't get to have seconds because she couldn't walk due to injury. Meaning... I need to control my portion but I can still eat (selective still) what I feel like eating...

I want to lose weight by exercising and taking it easy..... No more slimming centre. No more aiming to lose weight in a short period. I have to strive on watching my intake. I have to curb emotional eating. Itu jek yang buat berat badan aku naik. Do more exercise and focus to build muscle.

My target is to increase my muscle mass. Kalau muscle mass naik, hopefully fat % akan turun.

P/S: malam tadi makan malam 9.30pm.

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