Thursday, December 31, 2015

F&O Retreat 2015 was awesome!

Alhamdulillah, selesai F&O retreat kat District 21 and Marriott Putrajaya. Tengok mostly macam happy and loosened up even yang otai and my CFO!

I couldn't believe my CFO did everything even the Sky Scraper Walk! Budget macam physical activities are not her thing. Masa propose program kat dia pun, aku promote IOI City Mall as shopping heaven instead of promote District 21 (promote apa yang dia suka) so that dia approve lah proposal aku. Aku kata masa kitoghang buat kecoh kat District 21, dia boleh lah pegi shopping dengan anggapan dia kurenggg bab-bab physical activities ni. Dia pun memang baru balik umrah and tak berapa sihat. Memang budget dia dok tepi tengok jek (kalau tak pegi shopping). Sekali dia join daaa.....

Me myself also deserve a pat on the back sebab panjat Sky Scraper Walk tu walaupun aku gayat! Ramai yang tak sangkat depa boleh panjat sebab gayat, tapi depa buat jugak. Well done! And aku buat The Maze jugak. Aku nak cabar diri aku (ceh! sebab aku rasa In Sha Allah aku boleh buat sebenarnya). The Maze ni macam elevated obstacle race, kena ada stamina sikit. Hampir-hampir tersekat tengah jalan sebab kaki aku tak nak gerak bila tengok bawah. Aku cepat-cepat kata 'Kalau bahaya, bakpe depa buat game ni. Jalan aja!'

Flow was as per planned, itineray finished within stipulated time. Alhamdulillah. Not too dragging. In short the main components of the programme were:
  1. Teambuilding Boot Camp 10.00 - 12.30
  2. Lunch Treat 1.00 - 2.30
  3. Get Together (GTG) session which consists of 
    • Exchanging Gifts 3.00 - 3.50
    • Aku Kat Mana 3.50 - 4.30
    • Closing/ Prize Giving/ Bday cake/ Group photo 4.30 - 5.15
Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah!

District 21 Teambuilding Games
The place has 10 attractions tapi untuk teambuilding they will only utilize 5. To me it's a mix of difficulty level, sesuai lah dengan F&am

p;O which consist of staff from age 21 to 50 years old. For our game plan, we did:
  1. The Maze: need stamina and not afraid of heights
  2. Tubby Ride: nothing to be afraid of. Macam naik slide Sunway Lagoon tapi tak basah
  3. Stack the Cube: teamwork material. Kena tolong stack cube untuk 1 ahli panjat sampai marked point
  4. Sky Scraper Walk (original plan was Free Fall tapi under maintenance at the last minute): Conquer your fear of heights by doing this! I love it (sbb aku berjaya naik :-D) sebab aku gayat yet aku berjaya buat.
  5. Launch Pad trampoline: teamwork material. Get a ball on a flat plate held by members from point A to point B.
Games yang lain boleh main lepas teambuilding. Tag is a day pass so boleh main sampai tutup.

My speech as the event director:
  • Thanks to Allah/CFO/Committee/Participants
  • Objective behind each component of program
  • Hope everyone has something to take away. As for myself I realize whether the programme is a success depends on participants perception and attitude (negative or positive)
  • Last word: Life Is Short. Start Giving. Enjoy Life While You Can
Lesson Learnt
  • Aku dah start pikir that I should improve on giving speeches (Ceh! Macam selalu sangat bagi speech!) Maksud aku presentation skills. Conquer my nervousness, deliver punch lines and don't speak too fast sebab nak cepat abis.
  • Buatla sesuatu dari hati dengan niat yang baik. In Sha Allah, hasilnya baik. If anything happens, it is just Allah nudging either you or someone to be aware of something, and learn something.
  • Learn to delegate and trust people. Don't stress out.

Alhamdulillah, hope everyone will remember this experience for a long time.

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