Friday, December 18, 2015

Lesson Learnt: Craft project

At least I've tried.....

Semangat yang hilang
Sebenarnya lama dah teringin nak buat craft for Lutfi. Aritu macam nak Optimus Prime from boxes. Siap dah kumpul kotak-kotak termasuk kota tisu (untuk jadi kaki) sebab semangat tengok kat Youtube ada mat saleh buat tu jadik.... Tapi hemmmm....last-last bibik buang sebab tengok tak buat apa-apa pun setelah sekian lama (dia tak tahu pun intention aku). Last-last dia buang, buat menyemak jek.

Iron Man
Last Monday kan Selangor dapat cuti mengejut sebab menang Piala Malaysia. Happy tapi teringat banyak menda pending kat office. Tak nak teringat office kan, so I made myself busy with craft! Haha! Apart from Lutfi asking me to buy him more toys and he wanted an Iron Man mask. Masalahnya, dah banyak sangat beli mainan. Aku tak nak belikan lagi buat sementara waktu ni plus sebelum ni rasanya dah beli dah tapi ntah ke mana. So last-last I said 'nanti mama buatkan' and he said 'Yeay!' Alamak! Nampaknya memang kena buatlah.

So after buat PERKESO health check up at Klinik Syifa, aku pegi Pustaka Rakyat kat Seksyen 7 nak beli something for the silver colour (silver sebab dalam kepala masa ni nak buat perisai Captain America sebab macam straight forward kan, bulat and 3 colour. Kenapa sudah tukar, aku pun tak tahu! Haha)

Cari paint colour, tak da pulak. Pen silver/gold ada tapi terpikir macam susah jek nak kaler pakai pen sebab areanya besar. Carik punya carik, last-last jumpa kertas stiker A4 silver, Hmmm, senang ni...nanti kita tampal jek. Tak payah nak gam bagai. RM1.80 each. Hmmm, murah pun murah.

So last-last beli 2 keping, pastu amik 2 kotak kat luar kedai (depa buang jek).

Balik tu terus buat sebab tak naklah hangat-hangat taik ayam macam aritu. Sebelum tu of course la tengok YouTube (baru nak tengok camna nak buat 'helmet' Iron Man, harap-harap senang jugak)

Owh, only need to cut 5 pieces of shapes. OK, measurent given... Looks simple. Scissors, cutter, ruler, pencil, cardboard, CHECK. OK... Let's try!

Aku pun ikutlah instruction, measurement. Agak-agak nampak macam apa yang aku buat lari sikit, aku improvise. Tak susah sebenarnya tapi kotak yang aku amik quite tebal so susah sikit nak gunting.

Dan inilah hasilnya!

Lesson learnt
I'm actually quite proud because I get to finish it! Haha! and I've done something crafty for my kids. Although the finished product is not as good, Lutfi was like "Whoa! Mama buat topi Iron Man la!" I'm not saying that my craft is a masterpiece. I'm saying that sometimes we put off doing things because we want to do it perfectly. The truth is, sometimes they don't even notice the details, they appreciate something as it is. It is just us adults who wants perfection because we have that ego that we are adults, we do things better.

I'm not a crafty person and I tend to use that as a reason as well not to do things for my kids. Plus the ego that if I do it, I want it to be perfect so my kids will appreciate it. These are the reason why it took me 13 years to do a craft project for my kids. 13 years is my eldest age, meaning I've never done anything crafty for any of my kids. I regret it now.....Lenkali buat jek. Practice makes perfect. Tak pernah try buat pun, camna nak tahu susah ke senang....

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