Thursday, December 31, 2015

Robot Day @ MAGIC

Robot Day 12 Dec 2015
One of the kids' activities during school holiday was 'Robot Day' at MAGIC, Cyberjaya. Catchy kan nama MAGIC  tu. I’ve no idea what it is, husband yang amik tahu hal-hal IT related ni.

Anyway, the event was called ‘Robot Day’. It was a joint effort between Malaysia and Japan to promote knowledge on robotics. Respek la Japan… Aku memang dah lama repect Japan ni. Sejak di bangku sekolah. Respek sebab they have this effort to help others (Asian countries). So far yang aku jumpa sume friendly, tak takut orang. Very polite and pembersih.

Admission was free. The morning session were more about talks by Japanese delegates. Regardless of language, they still delivered with sincerity, I think. Pastu adalah exhibition robot-robot kat lobby. Tak banyak tapi anak aku Lutfi was so impressed. Dia ingat cam Toy’R Us kot, boleh beli. Haha!

Yang paling aku tunggu ialah workshop dia. Nak tengok guane ghupa robot programming workshop for kids. Nowadays, programming have been made user friendly, even the kids can do it! Dulu masa zaman 90an, memang kena tulis bahasa programming and respect la kat programmer boleh hafal the programming language. Nowadays, programming really shows level of creativity and visualization capability. Sape yang creative, cepat jek sebab tak payah nak ingat programming language. This is me talking from a perspective of common people who has no idea what IT (in depth) is about. Heh..

The kids are given a 'robot' which moves to our programming instructions. Task dia ialah menggerakkan robot berjalan bentuk D dengan straight line. Best! Tengok Kasyif pun macam berminat.

This is a good exposure to world of robots and the best part is it's free! Maybe kelas lanjutan dia kena bayar kot. Have to google to find out...

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