Sunday, December 20, 2015

Dream Picnic 2016

Tadi pergi bersantai kat Wetland Putrajaya. Sambil-sambil tu buat sesi DREAM PICNIC bersama anak-anak and hubby. Dah 3 tahun kami buat camni. 1st time buat kat Wetland gak tapi di other side, bukan yang dekat Taman Penghayatan Alam. Last year buat kat Taman Botani, lepas Langkah Ceria
Sayang takda tulis apa-apa pasal sesi tu. Actually ada la sikit kat sini.
Image result for wetland putrajaya
This time buat kat Wetland yang sebelah Taman Penghayatan Alam. Ada gazebo besar, sangat selesa. menghadap 'cell', sort of kolam tapi dipanggil 'cell' sebab it's actual tempat filter air sungai kat Putrajaya ni. More about it here. Amat tenang kat sini (sebelum depa mesin rumput!)
Konon picnic. Tak masak, beli jek kat Jaya Grocer..

Pie and pastries ni beli kat The Loaf, Bangi Gateway

View from pondok. Dekat ngan 'cell'

Lutfi bergaya dengan cycling helmet abah dia...

Mula-mula takda idea nak tulis apa for 2016.  So we read back what we have written end of last year. What we want to achieve in 2015 and see whether we have achieved them, as well as what we remembered about 2014. Barulah idea datang....

I wrote a lot this time. Not so much what I want to achieve in 2016, more on lesson learnt in 2015 and sweet memories in 2015. Same goes with the kids and hubby. I think this is a good exercise because it will teach my children to have some sort of goals to achieve. At the moment, what they write is more about their wish lists. It's OK, what important is the progress.

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