Sunday, December 20, 2015

Gym at Bangi

Uptown Sports

Dah rajin pergi gym since October. My 1st was Uptown Sports, buat Tabata. Entry fee RM10 saja. Best! Bila kata best tu maksudnya, aku memang berpeluh giler. Sebab 1st time, memang rasa tak larat lepas exercise. Studio kat tingkat atas dalam dewan badminton. Room are covered with full mirrors on all 3 sides. One side lagi cermin, nampak orang main badminton kat bawah. Kalau pergi sini, kita rasa cam kita part of a healthy community.

Nurwin Fitness

Sebab ada buddy, ajak dia pergi try Nurwin Fitness pulak kat Seksyen 7. Walk in fee is RM15. Space wise, yang ni besar sikit. Siap boleh letak 2-3 treadmill kat hujung. Ada pentas untuk instructor and disco light ball just for the fun of it. Fun! 1st time kat sini, buat zumba. Kul 8.30-9.30pm. Balik rumah memang flat. A few times jugak pegi sini. Sesi pagi start 8.30 pagi. OK jugak sebab by 9.30am kita dah accomplish an exercise for the day and get on with the rest of our life routine. Kat sini ada Tabata jugak.

Lily Fitness

Then try Lily Fitness kat Bangi Gateway. Yang ni banyak kali aku pergi sebab dekat dengan rumah. Pastu lepas exercise, boley jamu mata and pegi Jaya Grocer beli barang. Heh... actually by right, by 10.30am (sesi pagi) dah boleh balik rumah tapi terlajak sampai 11.30am. By the time balik, dah tengahari. Sesi pagi dia start 9.30am on Saturday. Dia ada sesi petang 6-7pm selain daripada sesi malam 8.30-9.30pm. Lily Fitness ada bagi free Herbalife shake after workout. Entry fee is RM15.

Jenis exercise yang dah cuba

Concept Tabata aku dah tahu, selalu (masa rajin) buat sendiri kat rumah. I like Tabata and even more when doing it with an instructor to ensure kita memang all out.
Image result for piloxing
Lily Fitness ada Piloxing, something new for me. Exactly what I want. Toning and rough. Rough tu sebab boxing, so macam ganas sket. I enjoy it very much. Kalau buat Piloxing, teringat masa A Level dulu buat Cher nyer video. Camni la rasa 'seksa' dia bila buat for lower body. Kalau buat zumba x rasa sangat. Zumba bagus untuk focus perut. 1st time buat zumba, memang sakit torso ni.
Image result for zumba
Kalau rasa nak light sikit, boleh buat aerodance. Lighter than zumba I mean. It is still challenging if you're not fit.
Image result for aerodance
For complete timetable, better refer website or fb masing-masing. Both Nurwin and Lily are ladies only studio so you can get all sexy. Uptown Sports is unisex but at RM10, why not.

Sumernya best. Crowd lain-lain. Aku ni jenis pemalu, so senyum je la. Depa peramah and seem to enjoy the gathering very much. Instructors memang expert bidang masing-masing. So far aku walk in jek sebab masih kat 'usha' stage. Nak tengok yang mana paling aku boleh commit.

Banyak lagi gym kat Bangi ni. Nampak ada 2-3 baru nak bukak kat Seri Bangi jugak. Orang Bangi dah health conscious agaknya.

This post is also to congratulate myself because I remember saying it was not possible for me to commit to go to the gym. However now, I don't mind spending to try out different places. Congrats!

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