Thursday, December 17, 2015

F&O retreat 2015

In terms of kerja, rasa macam relax je December tahun ni sebab takda issues that need attention compared to 2013 and 2014. Ntah apasal, cuti pun tak berapa plan sangat so macam December takda aktiviti sangat. Kebetulan, colleagues dok citer-citer pasal division lain buat program masing-masing. Ada yang pergi retreat kat PD, ESQ motivation session etc. Colleagues nak lah jugak untuk division kitoghang tapi takda orang pun initiate (I was hoping the managers to plan things for us). Aku pulak dah kata kat diri sendiri, jangan menyusahkan diri. Dok diam-diam. Nanti sendiri yang menyesal.

Tapi sebab aku kesian kat kenkawan. Sebab dah ada peluang... Buat je la (GTD attitude). But I'll do it my way... my interest and what I see fits (at the same time try to accommodate other people's interest as well la)...

That's why the retreat ended up at District 21! Yahoo! Best-best! Buat menda-menda yang lama dah dok tengok, nak try tapi sama ada malas, takut, tak cari peluang, berbayar dan segala macam alasan yang lain.

So dah ada peluang tak perlu bayar sendiri ni memberi aku semacam inisiatif untuk propose retreat buat kat sini and Alhamdulillah, my proposal was approved! We are going on the 30th Dec!

Why District 21?
Selain daripada personal interest, luckily they also offer teambuilding package. Hah, dah kenalah tu. Ada makna la sikit trip ni. Nak pergi sendiri macam berkira-kira kan. It's actually not that expensive considering you can't get it anywhere else, around RM55-RM70 all day access. Tapi sendiri pikir kalau bayar masuk tapi tak buat sebab gayat, rasa diri ni berat sebab dah gain weight, faktor umur (ngaku pulak dah tua ya).... sia-sia je la bayar masuk.

Biasa lah, sekarang ni rasa boleh buat kot obstacles dia sebab dalam shopping complex kan. Tinggi mana lah sangat.... haha! Bragging!... Sat lagi mengigil kepala lutut! Nauzubillah! Semoga Allah SWT memberi aku kekuatan.

Hoping everything will go well
What's nerve wrecking about planning a program is whether the participants will like it or not. And whether the itinerary will go as planned.
Staff ni ada pelbagai character including the boss. Kalau nak cater sume memang payahla. So buat je la yang terbaik. Bak kata Chef Ammar 'masak dari hati, masak dengan iman'... Aku pun kata kat diri sendiri 'plan dengan hati, plan dengan iman'...Haha!

So ni kira plan dengan hati la. I don't want to go for mundane teambuilding program. I want something that will leave an impression but at the same time enjoyable.

However, I forget not everyone is interested in physical activities like me. So to ease things up I 'offer' a decadent buffet at Mariott Putrajaya for lunch. Sounds OK, But.... what if the buffet is not to everyone's taste? (I think it's very ironic....a hotel buffet and yet nothing's fit one's taste? Bersyukurlah, at least dapat makan compared to orang yang tak dapat makan!) Kalau ada yang tak suka, nak buat macam mana kan.... I've done my very best to please everyone...

So fingers crossed. Harini nak buat site survey and payment. No turning back!

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